Site actual progress report and updated contractor's payment data control; 现场进度报告及承包商进度付款的控制;
To make the progress payment in accordance with the contracts and the progress of the projects timely. 严格按合同约定和工程进度及时进行工程进度拨款。
The fifth progress payment is due in May. 第五期按进度付款于五月到期。
On the Progress, Questions and Countermeasures of the Tax Payment Evaluation in China 我国纳税评估工作的问题与对策研究
The status reporting system will be used to track actual progress of the project as well as for verification of payment claims. 状态报告系统将用于追踪项目的实际进度以及对付款请求的确认。
This paper expounded how the cost inspecting engineers rationally determine and effectively control the cost of project in bidding, organizing techno-economic evaluation on construction plan in the earlier stage, signing and proving, claiming, control of progress payment in the construction stage. 分析了造价监理工程师如何在在施工前期的招投标、施工组织方案技术经济评价和工程施工阶段的签证、索赔、进度款控制等方面对造价进行合理确定和有效控制。
It's a progress in our legislate that divorce payment is admitted by our new marriage law, but the judicial practice can't be solved effectively in the light of the law. 我国新婚姻法确立了离婚损害赔偿制度,这是立法的一大进步,但依据这一制度却无法解决司法实践中存在的婚内索赔问题。
Impact of Export Commodity Price Competition on National Foreign Trade Balance FDI has great effect on domestic investment, employment, technology progress, trade, balance of payment, etc. 外商直接投资的引入,对当地投资、就业、技术进步、出口贸易、国际收支等国民经济各方面产生综合影响。
Since tax mainly influences technological progress capital, the capital category this paper use is deprecation, manpower capital, and fund cost. The income forms of technological progress of independent development are sales revenue and royalty payment. 由于税收主要以资金形式影响技术进步,因此,本文在分析税收与企业技术进步的关系中,使用设备折旧成本、人力资本、资金成本的分类方法。
It designs out the method of payment of progress payment of construction cost on the evaluating mode of construction works based on bill of quantities. 全文围绕工程造价动态控制模型展开论述,对每一层次的各个模块分别进行研究,揭示其内在规律,设计出有利于造价控制并适合工程量清单计价下的工程进度款支付方式;
The third part is to describe fiscal reform and effectiveness of Jinan City, and describe the smooth progress of reform and effectiveness from the initial exploration period-the centralized accounting system to the centralized payment of Jinan City. 第三部分济南市实行财政国库集中支付制度改革的实践及成效,介绍了从初步探索时期的会计集中核算制度,到济南市财政国库集中支付制度改革顺利推进情况及成效。
It makes a detailed study of utilization of state-owned capital based on the actual construction progress and payment of state-owned capital on a monthly basis so that Finance Department and Supervision Office can manage and supervise the utilization of capital in a timely manner; 3. 详细分析并介绍国有资金的使用情况。通过每个月实际施工进度和国有资金支付情况来了解资金的使用和安排,从而让财务部门和纪检部门做到实时管理和监控。
Mega bridge projects are very large and complex, which require management and control of content: design, investment, progress, quality, safety, contracts, procurement, payment, information. 超大型桥梁工程项目十分庞大与复杂,其中需管理与控制的内容有:工程设计、投资、进度、质量、安全、合同、采购、支付、资料等。
Mortgage purchase in China is nothing new now, as house prices make a spurt of progress, mortgage purchase has become a common household purchase payment norm. 在中国按揭购房现在已经是普通家庭购房付款方式的常态。
Objectively speaking, in the past 10 years, the contribution of financial innovation on the economic, social and human progress is enormous. As a typical case of payment innovation, third-party payment is playing an important role as a booster of E-commerce. 客观地说,过去的十年中,金融创新对经济、社会和人类进步的发展贡献是巨大的,其中以第三方支付为代表的支付创新更是扮演了电子商务助推器的角色。
The acceleration of industry convergence and technical progress are the new characteristics of telecom industry. Under the influence of these two important characteristics, many kinds of mixed business are developed, mobile payment is one of them. 产业融合加剧与技术进步加速成为了当前电信行业及其生态系统发展的新特点,在这两个重要特点的影响下,多类融合型业务被开发了出来,移动支付就是其中之一。
Credit card with the development of commodity economy and scientific and technological progress resulting from the payment of modern instrument, are banks or other financial institutions to issue credit to those who have a special sound card, the credit is a special certificate. 信用卡是随着经济发展和科技的进步而产生的现代化的支付工具,是商业银行等金融机构为一些资信状况良好人士而发行的一种卡片,可以看成是一种特殊的信用凭证。